The Party of El Paso County


VoteEl Paso County 2024 Combined Caucus, Assembly, and Convention

9. March 2024.

Join us as we shape the future of democracy in El Paso County! Our Combined Caucus, Assembly, and Convention is a cornerstone event in our local political landscape, where voices are heard, leaders are chosen, and the course of our community is charted.

What Are We Hosting? This year, we’re excited to bring you an array of dynamic events:

  • Week of Evening Breakout Sessions: Engage in insightful discussions and workshops focusing on key issues facing our community. These sessions are designed to inform, empower, and mobilize our members.
  • House, Senate, and County Commissioner District Meetings: Participate in critical discussions and decisions that impact your district. This is your chance to have a say in local governance and party direction.
  • Congressional Districts Bonus Members Election: Get involved in the democratic process by voting for or becoming a bonus member, representing your district at the state level.
  • Gavel-Out Extravaganza (March 16th, Location TBD): A grand celebration to mark the conclusion of our caucus and assembly. This event includes a Candidate Meet and Greet, giving you the opportunity to interact with potential leaders, along with a session for candidate paperwork.

Why Participate? Your involvement in these events is more than just participation; it’s a commitment to democracy. This is where we come together to listen, learn, and lead. Your voice and your vote have the power to influence the future of El Paso County and beyond.

How Can You Support?

  • Attend: Mark your calendar and be a part of these pivotal events.
  • Donate: Your financial support helps us organize these essential democratic processes.
  • Spread the Word: Encourage friends and family to join us in this democratic endeavor.

Together, We Make a Difference: The Combined Caucus, Assembly, and Convention is not just an event; it’s a movement. It’s where we unite to celebrate our democratic values and take actionable steps towards a better tomorrow.

Our VisionFearlessly and boldly leading progressive change.

Party Organization

Financial Security

Candidate Support

Voter Turnout


El Paso County Colorado Commissioner Districts Map

RedistrictingCounty Commission District 4 Redistricting Town Hall

6. July 2023.
5.30 PM
Mesa Ridge High School
6070 Mesa Ridge Pkwy, Colorado Springs

Redistricting is the process of redrawing electoral district boundaries, a practice carried out in the United States every ten years following the Census. The fundamental aim of redistricting is to ensure equal representation – each district should comprise roughly the same number of people, maintaining the core principle of “one person, one vote.”

In El Paso County, redistricting shapes the five districts that each elect a representative to the Board of County Commissioners. These districts should be designed to reflect the changing population and demographics accurately and fairly, thereby ensuring equitable representation.

However, the redistricting process can be manipulated, as seen in practices like gerrymandering, where boundaries are strategically drawn to favor a particular group or political party. It is critical that El Paso County’s redistricting process remains transparent, unbiased, and serves the best interests of all its residents, reflecting the diverse voices within our communities.


We’re inventive, unyielding, and stubborn as hell. That’s the El Paso County I love.

Mischa Smith


Top Issues that Colorado voters consider important

Colorado Polling Institute | November 2023
Cost of Living
Crime and Public Safety
Housing Costs

Each respondent selected their top two concerns out of 12 options, totaling 652 selections.

How we can build a better El Paso County together!

Hey there, voting enthusiast! You know, elections are the heartbeat of our democratic society. They’re how we, the people, get our voices heard. But let’s be real; it’s not like we can all get together in a giant room and vote on every single issue — as much as we’d love to, it’s just not practical in our busy, modern world. So, what do we do? We vote for representatives. These folks are our voice, our proxy, our stand-in at the decision-making table. It’s pretty cool when you think about it.

Check your voter registration status
Step 2
Research candidates and measures
Step 3
Receive your ballot in the mail
Step 4
Fill out your ballot
Return your ballot by mail or at a designated ballot drop box
Confirm your vote was counted

Would you like to become one of our donors?

Would you like to become one of our donors?

El Paso County Democrats

© 2023 El Paso County Democratic Party. All Rights Reserved.

1120 N Circle Drive, Suite 10, Colorado Springs, CO 80909
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