State House District 15

Jeff Livingston

Date of Affiliation: 10/5/2022

I am a veteran, father, and concerned citizen who wants to make a tangible difference in education, renewable energy, and voter empowerment.


Candidate Responses

1: Strongly Disagree

2: Somewhat Disagree

3: Does Not Apply to the Position

4: Somewhat Agree

5: Strongly Agree

Have you read the Colorado Democratic Party Platform?

Yes, entirely.

Have you read the El Paso County Democratic Party Platform?

Yes, entirely.

Which three platform areas would be the primary focus of your tenure if elected?
  • Education
  • Energy, Environment, and Climate
  • Securing Democracy

Do you believe that healthcare is a human right?


Will you support the expansion of Medicaid and the Colorado Health Care Option to cover more uninsured and underinsured Coloradans?


Will you create/support policy to address the rising costs of prescription drugs and medical services?


Do you support access to comprehensive health care that includes reproductive freedom for people with uteruses?


Will you ensure that people with disabilities have equal access to education, employment, health care, and social services in Colorado?


Do you support the separation of church and state and the protection of religious freedom for all faiths and beliefs?


Will you fight to address and correct the systemic racism and discrimination that affects communities of color in Colorado?


Will you ensure that LGBTQ+ Coloradans are treated with dignity and respect in all aspects of society?


How will you protect and expand the civil rights and liberties of all Coloradans?

By expanding access to home based renewable energy, expanding teacher’s access to the materials they need to educate their students and teach in a less stressed environment and advocating for voter education and registration.

Cost of living, housing costs, and homelessness were the top issues in a recent Colorado Polling Institute Poll. What would you propose to remedy and address these issues?

I would like to help curb local inflation by incentivizing businesses to curb their price increases to normalize changes in cost of living and help bring them down. This should help both cost of living and housing costs. For homelessness I would like to help educate colorado’s homeless about the avenues already available to them and ask them what would help them transition away from homelessness followed by implementation of those suggestions in a way that preserves the dignity and agency of the homeless we help.

Do you support workers’ rights to organize, bargain collectively, and earn a living wage?


Will you work to reform the tax system to make it more progressive and fair?


Will you fight to fully fund public schools?


Will you fight to ensure that every child has access to early childhood education, universal pre-K, and full-day kindergarten?


Will you advocate for the expansion of public higher education opportunities and affordability?


How will you support the implementation of high academic standards and assessments that measure critical thinking and problem-solving skills?

I want to put more critical thinking and simple logic exercises into school curriculum by encouraging teachers customize more critical thinking games and the like. Giving the students as many different approaches to understanding their world as possible will grow a more robust next generation. We can test these skills by using a practical exam that give variations to the games they played in class or that are chosen and administered by other teachers.

Will you combat the climate crisis and advocate for renewable energy?


Will you protect Colorado’s water quality and quantity, especially in the face of drought and population growth?


Will you fight to preserve and enhance Colorado’s public lands, wildlife, and biodiversity?


Will you promote environmental justice and ensure that all communities have a healthy and safe environment?


What is your position on the current immigration policies and practices of the United States?

I believe that they could use a serious overhaul. Streamlining the process while making it more foolproof and effective is key.

How will you ensure that the state of Colorado is ready and robust to face the threats of natural disasters, cyberattacks, terrorism, and foreign aggression?

By bolstering our current protections in those respective areas and assessing and updating them as required.

How will you ensure that Colorado is a state with social and economic safeguards to maintain a decent standard of living and adequate nutrition for our aging population?

By maintaining and growing the number of facilities for senior care, maintaining a non excessive cost of living, and making sure they have access to resources to get help if they need it.

El Paso County Democrats

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1120 N Circle Drive, Suite 10, Colorado Springs, CO 80909
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