State House District 18

Amy Paschal
Amy is a first-time candidate
Master of Science, Computer Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Bachelor of Arts, Computer Science, Macalester College, Continuing Education Certificates: Data Analysis and Visualization, University of Denver, Fullstack Web Development, Fullstack Academy of Code

I’m Amy Paschal, your Democratic candidate for Colorado House District 18.
I’m a mom, a software engineer and an avid volunteer with the Democratic Party, having held vice chair positions at the county and state levels.
I’m passionate about protecting democracy through fair, secure and accessible elections. I’ve worked as Deputy Director of Voter Protection for the Colorado Democratic Party and as a poll worker and canvass board member for the El Paso County Election Department.

When I’m elected to Assembly, my priorities will be:
First, an economy that works for everyone including our youngest and oldest generations.
Second, infrastructure that catches up and keeps up with growth in a sustainable manner, both economically and environmentally.
Third, wildfire protection through mitigation, evacuation preparedness and rapid response.
And, of course, I will vigorously protect a woman’s right to choose.

I’m proud to say I’m endorsed by incumbent Representative Marc Snyder, Representative Stephanie Vigil, State Treasurer Dave Young, Senator Tony Exum, Speaker of the House Julie McCluskie, Majority Leader Monica Duran, the AFL-CIO, Colorado Working Families Party, Colorado Ceasefire and many more.
Please vote for me this November and consider joining my campaign.

Democrat since 12/11/17
Is there any aspect of the Colorado or El Paso County Democratic Party platforms that you do not agree or align with?


What single issue/problem/situation will you address first if elected and how will you do it in the context of the position you will serve in?

My number one issue is an economy that works for everyone. Our local economy is growing and vibrant, yet many in our community struggle to make ends meet. Prices are clearly too high, and wages too low. As a former small business owner, I understand what it takes to build wealth and to ensure everyone has a chance at success. I’m committed to building an economy where we all can thrive with quality schools, affordable housing, and accessible healthcare. At the state legislative level, this means properly funding education, providing incentives for building affordable housing, and ensuring health insurance is affordable for more of our citizens.

El Paso County Democrats

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1120 N Circle Drive, Suite 10, Colorado Springs, CO 80909
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