The Colorado GOP Exposed: Scandals, Schemes, and Shadowy Agendas

My name is Lady Whistleblower. You do not know me and never shall. But I intend to provide you with tidbits of the happenings within the Colorado GOP, the Republican Party’s plans, and the players within our political high-society. Brace yourselves, dear readers, as we embark on this journey together to expose all the lies, mishaps, and downright despicable antics of our rivals. I have at my disposal a most powerful weapon: the power of the pen.

As you relish in the excitement of our former President finally being held accountable for his actions, we must remain steadfast in our fight against those who would use this opportunity to claim fraud and deceit. Our rivals do not recognize the rule of law in the ways that we do.

Take, for example, everyone’s favorite scandalous Congresswoman, Lauren Boebert. Her recent pre-primary endorsement from the Colorado GOP has boosted her ego, and she has bared her teeth at those who would deny her, including fellow Republicans. Her current “X (formerly Twitter)” bio depicts a warning to them as she declares herself a “Professional RINO Hunter.”

lauren boebert twitter bioFor my readers unaware, RINO stands for “Republicans In Name Only.” This peculiar stance, adopted by MAGA Republicans, intends to divide the GOP and push out any Republican who may disagree with the MAGA agenda. Demanding this level of fealty seems like an extraordinary plan for a party that continues to promote their “patriot” stance on “freedoms,” yet it has not stopped this controversial approach. Miss Boebert also mistakenly claims that our Former President’s recent conviction on all 34 counts is Communism. Dear readers, I find myself continuously perplexed at this claim, tossed around by MAGA Republicans as violently as a storm would toss about a ship.

One must wonder if these autocratic attempts are part of a larger plan. Why yes! Yes, they are. Imagine, if you will, a plan years in the making that would dismantle our very democracy. Look no further than Project 2025 and Agenda 47. It would seem that Republican think tanks like the Heritage Foundation, the Council for National Policy, and the Family Research Council, among over 100 others, would like their next “conservative President” to enact draconian laws on day one of such a presidency. One of the plans in this 900-plus-page manifesto, deemed a “playbook,” is to remove all three-letter agencies of government and install ONLY conservative loyalists within our branches of government. Now, dear readers, that sounds like “a system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single and self-perpetuating party,” which, not shockingly, is also the definition of Communism. This level of projection could only be accomplished with the help of these conservative groups pushing daily propaganda to our masses. I long for the days past when Fox News was our only enemy of facts and truth.

So I, Lady Whistleblower, hope you will stay with me on my journey to educate and inform you. Now, I must make haste to tie up loose ends for my next installment of news to provide our eager readers. But alas, so that you may be fully prepared for the depravity and cruelty of the intentions of our rivals, I leave you with this light reading: all 920 pages of Project 2025.

May your tea be hot, or your drinks stiff, when deciding to read this playbook, “Mandate for Leadership: A Conservative Promise.

Until next time, dear readers.

Lady Whistleblower

El Paso County Democrats

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