Pride & Prejudice

My name is Lady Whistleblower. You do not know me and never shall. But I intend to provide you with tidbits of the happenings within the Colorado GOP, the Republican Party’s plans, and the players within our political “high-society.” This month, we celebrate Pride. A month dedicated to the LGBTQ+ community’s achievements, legal rights, and social acceptance. A month to reflect on the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in New York. A month of celebration that becomes a prism, splitting light into its fantastical spectrum of colors.

Front view of the Stonewall Inn in New York, adorned with a large rainbow flag and multiple smaller rainbow flags. The historic building is located at 51 Christopher Street and features a sign reading ‘The Stonewall Inn’ in its front window. Metal barricades are set up on the sidewalk, and a person is standing nearby. The scene reflects the significance of the location in LGBTQ+ history.
The Stonewall Inn

Now, dear readers, here is the difficult part to digest: there are those that seek to destroy this wonderful celebration of love and acceptance. And who might be atop this recent attempt at destruction, you might ask? None other than Dave Williams, Colorado GOP Chair and Republican Candidate for Congressional District 5.

Dave Williams, chair of the Colorado GOP and candidate for Colorado Congressional District 5, speaking into a microphone. He has a beard, dark hair, and is wearing a dark suit jacket with a checkered shirt. The background is plain and neutral, focusing attention on Williams as he speaks.
Dave Williams

Mr. Williams is apparently not fond of prisms and their refracted light, as indicated by distributing mass messaging calling our LGBTQ+ friends “godless groomers,” calling for the burning of all Pride Flags, and accusing our colorful community of attacking “what is decent, holy, and righteous so they can harm our children.” Pardon me, as I sit with the irony of false accusations that ring of ignorance. For, last I referenced my records, the most destructive thing to children in the country was guns. Not our fabulously dressed drag queens, not the use of pronouns, and certainly not a colorful flag. Guns. You will not, however, see the likes of condemnation of many Republicans’ favorite Christmas picture prop.

Yet, Mr. Williams’ inherent religious prejudices are having quite a negative effect on his crimson hat-wearing cult, and many fellow Republicans are crying foul, calling for him to resign amid allegations of impropriety and his continuous defilement of our LGBTQ+ community. Dear readers, I would not be honest if I did not reveal that I do experience some joy in Mr. Williams’ current troubles with his peers. As the world grapples with a lack of accountability, we are finally seeing fissures in this loud minority of political troglodytes.

As our rivals quarrel, let us own this time to celebrate. Our triumphs, our colorful spectrum of love and light. For we embrace PRIDE, not prejudice.

Until next time, dear readers.

Lady Whistleblower

El Paso County Democrats

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