The Hidden Forces Behind the Assault on Academic Freedom: A Deep Dive into “Manufacturing Backlash”

In recent years, academic freedom in higher education has come under unprecedented attack. A comprehensive report from the American Association of University Professors titled Manufacturing Backlash sheds light on the orchestrated efforts by conservative think tanks and legislative bodies to reshape the educational landscape in America. This blog delves into the key players, their ultimate goals, and the implications for the future of education.

The Coordinated Campaign Against Higher Education

The report Manufacturing Backlash uncovers a systematic campaign spearheaded by several right-wing and libertarian organizations. These groups have been instrumental in portraying public colleges and universities as hotbeds of extremist ideologies, thus justifying legislative measures aimed at curtailing academic freedom.

Key Organizations Leading the Charge

Kevin Roberts speaking with attendees at the 2022 AmericaFest at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona.
Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts
Image: Gage Skidmore
  1. State Policy Network (SPN): The SPN connects national and state-level think tanks, facilitating local legislative strategies developed at the federal level. It includes major players like the Heritage Foundation and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), funded by megadonors such as DonorsTrust and the Bradley Foundation.
  2. The Heritage Foundation: Known for creating and promoting model legislation, this foundation has been a driving force behind anti-CRT and anti-DEI laws, influencing public policy and educational content.
  3. American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC): ALEC’s model bills have been pivotal in introducing numerous educational gag orders, severely limiting what can be taught in classrooms nationwide.
  4. Center for Renewing America (CRA): Under the Conservative Partnership Institute, CRA focuses on integrating conservative Christian values into public policy, significantly impacting educational legislation.
  5. Claremont Institute: This institute promotes traditional Western civilization curricula and has been active in the culture war against modern academic practices.
  6. Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC): EPPC works to integrate conservative religious values into public policy, including education.
  7. James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal: This state-level think tank advocates for conservative educational reforms, pushing policies that undermine academic freedom.
  8. Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF): TPPF is instrumental in lobbying for conservative educational reforms in Texas and beyond.

The Ultimate Goals

The ultimate objectives of these organizations are multifaceted:

  1. Undermining Academic Freedom: By restricting what can be taught and discussed, these organizations aim to align educational content with conservative values, preventing the teaching of concepts they find divisive.
  2. Privatizing Education: Advocating for voucher programs, charter schools, and other forms of privatized education, these groups aim to reduce state involvement in education.
  3. Promoting Conservative Values: These organizations seek to embed traditional Western civilization studies and conservative interpretations of American history into the curriculum.
  4. Defunding Public Education: By opposing funding increases and advocating for budget cuts, these groups aim to weaken public education institutions.
  5. Controlling Educational Content: Through legislative efforts, they aim to ban specific books and curricula that do not align with their ideological perspectives.

Implications for the Future

The implications of these efforts are profound. The legislative measures and public narratives propagated by these think tanks threaten to erode academic freedom, restrict educational content, and reshape the future of American education. Understanding these forces is crucial for educators, policymakers, and the public to counteract these efforts and preserve the integrity of educational institutions.

For a deeper understanding of these issues, read the full Manufacturing Backlash report. Stay informed and engaged to protect academic freedom and the future of education.

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