Victory for Justice: Colorado Supreme Court Upholds Gender-Affirming Care for Youth

My name is Lady Whistleblower. You do not know me and never shall. But I intend to provide you with tidbits of the happenings within the Colorado GOP, the Republican Party’s plans, and the players within our political “high society.”

It is with a heart both heavy and hopeful that I bring you the latest dispatch from our hallowed halls of justice. The Colorado Supreme Court, in a move sure to send ripples through the teacups of many, has ruled to maintain access to gender-affirming care for our state’s youth. This decision comes as a resounding victory for progress and a dire blow to those who would see us regress into the shadows of ignorance and intolerance.

Among the notable figures in this sordid affair is none other than Darcy Schoening, the Director of Special Initiatives for the Colorado GOP. Ms. Schoening, who fancies herself a “trouble-maker and fighter for all things America,” has been a vocal proponent of the misguided initiative to place this matter on the November ballot. Her antics and those of her ilk represent the kind of regressive thinking that we must vigilantly oppose.

A screenshot of a tweet from Darcy Schoening (@Darcy4CO) posted on June 24, 2024, at 2:10 PM, with 490 views. The tweet reads: "My kids now alert me anytime they see a rainbow flag, Pride propaganda, or trans propaganda of any kind. 'Mom, it’s the weird people again.' 'Yes, Dexter...remember to ignore the weird people and always remember that they are sick and need help. Stay away.' 'I know, mom. The rainbow flag is evil.' Parenting 2024. 🇺🇸"
Tweet from Ms. Schoening on Jun 24, 2024

The Court’s decision rebuffed this initiative, which aimed to let the general populace decide the fate of medical care for transgender children—a responsibility best left to healthcare professionals and the individuals directly involved. The justices, in their wisdom, saw through the thinly veiled attempts to politicize and undermine the health and well-being of our young ones.

Justice, in this instance, has worn her blindfold well, seeing beyond the smoke and mirrors of the so-called ‘public interest’ to uphold the rights and dignity of our young citizens. This ruling ensures that transgender youth in Colorado will continue to have access to essential healthcare, affirming their identities and allowing them to flourish as their true selves.

Let us not overlook the wealth of evidence supporting the benefits of gender-affirming care. A recent study by The Trevor Project found that gender-affirming hormone therapy is linked to lower rates of depression and reduced suicide risk. This underscores the life-saving importance of such care, which should never be subjected to the whims of popular vote.

One must applaud the wisdom of the Colorado Supreme Court in recognizing that fundamental rights should never be placed on a ballot. Medical decisions, especially those as deeply personal and crucial as gender-affirming care, must be grounded in compassion, understanding, and the best available science—not the biases and misunderstandings of a vocal minority, no matter how much they claim to be “fighters for all things America.”

As we sip our tea and reflect upon this development, let us remember the importance of vigilance. The forces of regression are ever lurking, ready to pounce at the first sign of complacency. We must remain steadfast in our commitment to justice, equality, and the protection of our most vulnerable.

For those who champion progress, this victory is a reminder that the arc of the moral universe, though long, indeed bends towards justice. Let us celebrate this triumph and continue to advocate for a society where every individual is free to live their truth without fear of retribution or discrimination.

Until next time, dear readers.

Lady Whistleblower

El Paso County Democrats

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