A Dark Turn: The Story of John Miller Under Project 2025

June 1, 2024by Rob Rogers

John Miller, a 45-year-old white man from Colorado Springs, epitomizes the average American. A devoted husband and father of two, John works as a software developer in Denver and is deeply invested in his community. Initially supportive of conservative policies, John begins to see the real consequences of Project 2025 unfold in his daily life.

Day 1: The Shift Begins

John woke up on the first day of President Trump’s second term to the news of sweeping changes. The television blared reports of executive orders expanding presidential control over federal agencies. John, who valued stability, started to feel uneasy. He recalled conversations with his colleagues about how these changes might impact the regulatory environment and the job security of workers in the tech industry.

Week 1: Government Overhaul and Rolling Back Tenure Protections

In the first week, one of the most significant moves was the rolling back of government employee tenure protections. The administration announced plans to dismantle long-standing civil service rules, allowing for the swift replacement of thousands of career officials with Trump loyalists. This move was part of Agenda 47, aimed at creating an administration that could execute the President’s vision without opposition.

Reports surfaced about the establishment of training programs to vet and prepare new appointees. These programs had been ongoing for months, ensuring that incoming officials were aligned with the administration’s goals and ready to implement Project 2025’s sweeping changes from day one. John watched as friends and neighbors who worked in federal positions faced uncertain futures, their job security threatened by the new policies.

Month 1: Regulatory Rollback and Civil Rights

By the end of the first month, John’s son, Tim, a high school junior, came home worried about his school’s future. The Department of Education had announced cuts to public school funding, favoring vouchers for private schools. John’s wife, Lisa, a public school teacher, feared for her job and the quality of education their children would receive.

Lisa also noticed the impact of the elimination of the Head Start program on her students. Many of the younger children who previously benefited from early education services were now struggling to keep up, creating a more challenging teaching environment and exacerbating educational disparities.

On his daily commute from Colorado Springs to Denver, John began to notice increased smog as the Clean Power Plan was repealed. He was concerned about the health implications for his family and neighbors, particularly his elderly parents who lived nearby.

Year 1: Public Backlash, Policy Implementation, and International Unrest

As the year progressed, John’s father, a retired construction worker, lost his health insurance when the Affordable Care Act was repealed. His medication costs skyrocketed, and John found himself financially strained, trying to support both his immediate family and his parents.

Protests erupted in downtown Colorado Springs. John, once a quiet observer, joined the demonstrations, feeling a deep sense of injustice. He met diverse groups of people, all united in their opposition to these draconian policies.

Agenda 47 called for the invocation of the Insurrection Act early in Trump’s second term to suppress widespread protests and civil unrest. Military presence increased in cities across the nation, including in Colorado. John watched in disbelief as soldiers patrolled the streets, their presence a constant reminder of the administration’s iron grip on power.

Internationally, the situation in Gaza deteriorated. The U.S. administration guided by the Project 2025 playbook provided unwavering support to Israel, lifting humanitarian conditions previously placed on weapons transfers. Aggressive military actions against the Palestinians escalated, with the U.S. backing Israel unconditionally. Alleged Hamas attacks on the newly constructed pier in Gaza saw the deployment of U.S. troops into the region. Reports of U.S. war crimes quickly followed as hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilians died within days due to military action, starvation, and dehydration. John’s church organized fundraisers and awareness campaigns to support Palestinian families, further raising his awareness of global injustices.

The establishment of the first Freedom Cities was announced—zones with relaxed regulations and incentives to attract businesses. While marketed as hubs of innovation and prosperity, these cities quickly became known for exploiting workers and cutting corners on safety and environmental standards. John’s friend, a fiber optics installer, was lured by promises of high wages but found himself in precarious working conditions with little recourse.

John’s superiors began telling stories about the company’s board of directors being threatened with prosecution if they didn’t immediately suspend their DEI programs and stop asking demographic questions in their application process. This crackdown on diversity initiatives created a chilling effect throughout the workplace, stifling conversations about inclusion and equality.

Year 2: Immigration Crisis, Environmental Decline, and Social Policies

The administration’s strict immigration policies led to mass deportations. John’s colleague, Maria, a hardworking IT specialist, was suddenly deported, leaving her children behind. This personalized the issue for John, making him realize the inhumanity of such policies.

The environmental rollback led to increased pollution across the state. His daughter, Emily, developed asthma, which doctors attributed to the worsening air quality. John’s anger grew as he saw the tangible impacts on his family’s health.

Meanwhile, Project 2025’s emphasis on traditional family values began to affect his cousin, who was openly gay. She faced increased discrimination and lost her job due to new policies that allowed employers to discriminate based on religious beliefs.

John also noticed a shift in the everyday environment as the police state intensified to enforce mass deportations. ICE raids became a common occurrence, with heavily armed agents conducting door-to-door searches. Neighbors lived in constant fear, worried about friends and family members being taken away. The atmosphere was tense, with checkpoints set up throughout the city and a significant increase in surveillance.

Even local politics were not immune to these changes. In the Colorado Springs mayoral race, Republican candidates attacked Mayor Yemi Mobalade for not being born in the United States, making his deportation to Nigeria their primary campaign promise. This xenophobic rhetoric created a climate of fear and division in the city.

Year 3: Economic Instability, Judicial Changes, and Reproductive Rights

Financial deregulation caused economic instability. Tech companies in Denver faced closures and layoffs as the economy destabilized. John feared for his job and the livelihoods of his friends and neighbors. The stress took a toll on his health, leading to sleepless nights and constant worry.

Conservative judges were appointed to the judiciary, resulting in significant judicial changes. Abortion rights, already under threat since Roe v. Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court in 2022, were further restricted. Colorado’s abortion protections were challenged by conservative activists on 14th Amendment grounds, supported by Trump judicial appointments. Lisa’s college friend, Sarah, faced a high-risk pregnancy and was unable to access potentially life-saving abortion services. The community rallied around her, but the legal obstacles were insurmountable.

Year 4: Social Unrest, Qualified Immunity, National Guard Deployment, Traditional Values Enforcement, and International Tensions

As the next election approached, social unrest peaked. John participated in peaceful protests, demanding change. Project 2025’s support for the use of qualified immunity meant that police officers acted with impunity, often using excessive force against demonstrators. John witnessed friends and neighbors being beaten and arrested without cause, deepening his disillusionment and fear.

To quell the protests, the administration invoked Project 2025’s plan to deploy the National Guard. John watched in horror as soldiers flooded his town, using military tactics against civilians. The sight of armored vehicles and armed troops patrolling his streets was a stark reminder of how far the country had strayed from its democratic principles. The oppressive atmosphere made daily life unbearable and further polarized the community.

The administration’s focus on traditional family values continued to manifest in harmful ways. Local clinics were forced to close, leaving many women without essential health services. John’s niece, a college student, faced an unintended pregnancy but found no legal means to terminate it. The family’s personal struggle became a symbol of the broader assault on women’s rights and freedoms.

Since Executive Branch agencies had been instructed to shift focus to supporting traditional families and fatherhood, the resources for single mothers were almost non-existent. Lisa noticed this firsthand at her school, where single mothers among her students’ families struggled to find support and resources, making her increasingly concerned about the future for her own children.

Internationally, Project 2025’s aggressive economic tactics against China led to heightened global tensions. The administration imposed severe tariffs and sanctions, aiming to weaken China’s economy. However, these actions triggered retaliatory measures, disrupting global supply chains and causing prices for everyday goods to soar in the United States. John’s company, heavily reliant on international trade, faced significant losses, resulting in further layoffs and economic uncertainty.

The economic conflict escalated, straining diplomatic relations and causing widespread anxiety about the possibility of more severe confrontations. John’s friends in the military expressed concerns about being deployed in potential conflicts, adding to the community’s stress and fear.

2028: The Election and the Insurrection Act

As 2028 approached, the Insurrection Act remained in effect, fundamentally altering the political landscape. Military presence in major cities was normalized, and protests were swiftly quelled with heavy-handed tactics. Civil liberties were severely restricted under the guise of maintaining order and national security.

Election rallies for opposition candidates were often disrupted or canceled due to “security concerns.” Media coverage was tightly controlled, with critical voices facing censorship or worse. Voter suppression tactics became more blatant, with stringent ID laws and reduced polling locations in areas known to support opposition parties.

John and his family, along with many others, lived in a state of fear and uncertainty. The democratic process seemed a shadow of its former self. Reports of harassment and intimidation at polling stations became common, and many voters feared retaliation for their political views.

John’s growing activism led him to clandestine meetings with like-minded individuals, discussing ways to peacefully resist and restore democracy. However, the pervasive surveillance and heavy military presence made organizing difficult and dangerous.

On election day, the atmosphere was tense. John, Lisa, and Tim made their way to the polls under the watchful eyes of armed guards. Despite the oppressive environment, they cast their votes, hoping for change.

However, widespread reports of electoral fraud and manipulation quickly dampened their hopes.


John Miller’s story is a cautionary tale of how Project 2025 and the sustained invocation of the Insurrection Act fundamentally altered American life. The erosion of civil rights, environmental degradation, economic instability, social unrest, and international tensions touched every aspect of his life. John’s journey from a supporter of conservative policies to an active protester underscored the need for vigilance in protecting democracy, civil rights, and the environment.

While John Miller is a fictional everyday person from Colorado, every single thing mentioned in this story can be found in Project 2025 and Agenda 47. This narrative illustrates the severe consequences of unchecked executive power and serves as a call to action to unite and protect the values that make America a land of opportunity and justice for all.

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