State House District 56

Alessandra Navetta
Alessandra is a first-time candidate
Registered Nurse, Juris Doctor

I am a mother and grandmother. I am retired. My professional life as spent as an RN and attorney. I am originally from Michigan and have lived in Elizabeth Colorado for almost ten years. I am the vice-chair of the Elbert County Democratic Party. I am a trustee of the Pines and Plains Libraries. I am seeking the position of State House Representative for HD 56 because I believe that the people living in this portion of the Eastern Plains of Colorado need a voice in our state government. This is a huge diverse area with needs quite different from those of our more affluent, urban, western areas of the state. Areas that need to be addressed are: 1) access to affordable, quality healthcare 2) access to reliable, affordable internet connectivity, 3) access to affordable post secondary education. There are other needs that should be addressed by our state government, which I will determine, once I meet with the residents of the seven counties comprising HD 56. As an attorney, I am well familiar with the importance of negotiation in order to obtain a desirable result and I intend to work with individuals regardless of party affiliation to get the job done for my constituents. I hope I am granted the privilege of being the voice for HD 56.

Democrat since 5/9/22
Is there any aspect of the Colorado or El Paso County Democratic Party platforms that you do not agree or align with?

I believe in Democracy and the Constitution. I support any items in the platform that adhere to the principles of Democracy and that are based on constitutional principles.

What single issue/problem/situation will you address first if elected and how will you do it in the context of the position you will serve in?

I have outlined the issues that I think are important to the people living in HD 56 in a prior question. I have been communicating with participants in the field of rural medicine and education in an attempt to become familiar with the issues from different perspectives. I intend to continue to reach out to experts for their input, in order to learn what are the doable solutions.

El Paso County Democrats

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