State House District 21

Liz Rosenbaum
Former County Commissioner CC4 and House District 21 Candidate
Bachelors of Secondary Education Social Sciences with an emphasis in Anthropology

As a small business owner, former educator, and long-time resident of the region, I understand the challenges faced by my neighbors and have been fighting for clean water, access to healthcare and quality education in the Fountain Valley for almost a decade.

Our community will have true representation and I will work tirelessly to ensure that our voices are heard at the state level. There is much work to be done in the Fountain Valley and I am a woman of action and the hands-on leader that we need.

Democrat since 5/18/12
Is there any aspect of the Colorado or El Paso County Democratic Party platforms that you do not agree or align with?

Overall, I wish the platform process was more inclusive and that more people would participate in sponsored county party events, attend events, become monthly donors, join a platform committee, or apply for community boards I know we are all busy people with kids, jobs, spouses, etc., however, a few meetings a year can really make a huge impact overall in our local elections. We need to hear from more people.

What single issue/problem/situation will you address first if elected and how will you do it in the context of the position you will serve in?

Clean and safe drinking water and access to affordable healthcare and doctors are my highest priority issues. I will make sure to receive input from all parts of the equation to garner robust support for our residents here in my home area and across Colorado.

El Paso County Democrats

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