A Scourge in Scarlet: The Audacity of Valentina Gomez

My name is Lady Whistleblower. You do not know me and never shall. But I intend to provide you with tidbits of the happenings within the Colorado GOP, the Republican Party’s plans, and the players within our political “high-society.” Now, dear readers, I usually just give updates on the goings-on within the realm of Colorado politics. However, I felt compelled to stray and simply must bring this to your attention.

Tomorrow is Juneteenth, established as a federal holiday in 2021. It symbolizes the end of slavery and the beginning of freedom for African Americans. Over time, it has become a day to honor the culture, heritage, and achievements of our Black community. It celebrates resilience and maintains the ongoing fight for civil rights. For historical context, on June 19, 1865, Union General Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas, and announced that all enslaved people were free. He did this, however, more than two years after the Emancipation Proclamation, which had been issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863.

So, not at all surprising, there would be a Republican candidate who would have something to say about Juneteenth. My loyal readers, I introduce you to Valentina Gomez, candidate for Missouri Secretary of State. Self-described as a financier, real estate investor, and strategist, I assure you she is better described as an unapologetic racist, bigot, and MAGA enthusiast. Let me elaborate…

Portrait of Valentina Gomez, a candidate for Missouri Secretary of State, smiling and wearing a black lace top with gold earrings, with a park and building in the background.
Valentina Gomez

Ms. Gomez recently posted a video about her feelings on Juneteenth. She describes this federal holiday as “ratchet” and explains, poorly I might add, that “reparations from slavery and black victimization is about to be shoved down our throats for the most ratchet holiday in America. BLM raised millions, but what did they do for black lives? It is outrageous for people asking for reparations even though they never went through slavery. These ungrateful people should be celebrating because they were born in the greatest nation to ever exist. Here’s a tip, if you don’t like America, get the ‘F’ out.” Of particular note, Ms. Gomez was born in Colombia.

Valentina is not without additional controversy, as you might already suspect. The 24-year-old who was seemingly denied an education in American history has made a video of burning “LGBTQ” books using a flamethrower. “When I’m Secretary of State, I will burn all the books that are grooming, indoctrinating, and sexualizing our children. MAGA. America First,” she captioned the video. Staying on task with her bigotry, she also made a video while running in what appears to be a war cosplay weighted vest, saying, “In America, you can be anything you want, so don’t be weak and gay. Stay ‘f-ing’ hard,” which is followed by a picture of her next to a truck and an American flag while sporting an NRA hat and holding an assault rifle. To add insult, she posted this on Elon Musk’s disastrous reinvented media site “X,” formerly known as “Twitter,” and she tagged alpha male influencers, Andrew and Tristan Tate, who were arrested last year on human trafficking charges.

Now, dear readers, coming full circle, I will also mention that Ms. Gomez has attacked our beloved Secretary of State, Jena Griswold. As Ms. Griswold posted on “X” that “Colorado is quickly becoming a safe haven for the entire Western United States. I’m proud our state is a leader, but the truth is the state you live in should not dictate your rights as a woman.” To which Ms. Gomez responded, “Jena, why are you proud of the murder of babies in Colorado?”

Twitter exchange between Jena Griswold and Valentina Gomez. Jena Griswold's tweet from April 19, 2024, discusses Colorado as an abortion safe haven for the western United States. Valentina Gomez responds, accusing Griswold of being proud of 'the murder of babies in Colorado.'

So, with all that being said, I am elated to inform you that Colorado Springs had a wonderful Juneteenth celebration at our own America the Beautiful Park this weekend past.  Our diversity is our strength, not our weakness.  And while it is important that we recognize that there are politicians that would seek to destroy that strength, like Ms Gomez, we can forever remind her when we celebrate tomorrow.

Until next time, dear readers.

Lady Whistleblower

El Paso County Democrats

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