Congressional District 5

Adam Gillard - Congressional District 5

Date of Affiliation: 10/1/2023

As your Representative, I am dedicated to fostering an economy that uplifts everyone. To realize our potential as the Space Industry Silicon Valley, we must strategize and build accordingly. My primary focus lies in bolstering our infrastructure, including transit, energy, and communications grids. I envision a comprehensive light rail system stretching from east to west, seamlessly integrating with the forthcoming Front Range Rail System, enhancing safety on our roads and accessibility to commerce hubs. Strong unions will be essential for constructing and maintaining these vital systems, and also the lower wage and gig worker economy that will blossom. Additionally, our energy infrastructure demands enhancement. Exploring alternative fuel sources is imperative, with nuclear energy warranting consideration.

I am committed to advocating for expanded Medicaid access and championing Universal Healthcare, drawing from successful models I have witnessed firsthand. Properly funding the Department of Veteran Affairs, and amending laws that limit benefits to Veterans, and their families, will be a priority on Day 1.

As your Representative, I vow to safeguard medical autonomy, ensuring that the government remains separate from personal healthcare decisions. While the government serves to provide essential services for its citizens’ welfare, it must never intervene in the doctor-patient relationship.


Candidate Responses

1: Strongly Disagree

2: Somewhat Disagree

3: Does Not Apply to the Position

4: Somewhat Agree

5: Strongly Agree

Have you read the Colorado Democratic Party Platform?

Yes, entirely.

Have you read the El Paso County Democratic Party Platform?

Yes, entirely.

Which three platform areas would be the primary focus of your tenure if elected?
  • Economic Policy, Job Creation and Social Justice
  • Healthcare
  • State, Defense, and Homeland Security

Do you believe that healthcare is a human right?


UHC has been proven to be beneficial on multiple levels. Healthy workers, both physically and mentally, create a strong economy. Additionally, providing access to healthcare addresses the inequality of services provided to our working class citizens.

Will you support the expansion of Medicaid and the Colorado Health Care Option to cover more uninsured and underinsured Coloradans?


Government’s central role is to provide services, like Medicaid, to as many eligible people as possible.

Will you create/support policy to address the rising costs of prescription drugs and medical services?


Absolutely! The pharmaceutical companies need to lower costs. The excessive amount of commercials needs to be addressed too.

Do you support access to comprehensive health care that includes reproductive freedom for people with uteruses?


The government, or insurance companies, should never be allowed to make a decision for anyone! Specifically, women having full autonomy over their bodies needs to codified into law at both State and Federal levels.

Will you ensure that people with disabilities have equal access to education, employment, health care, and social services in Colorado?


With the rise of AI and communication mediums, everyone can have easier access to these services. Investing in our people is a top priority.

Do you support the separation of church and state and the protection of religious freedom for all faiths and beliefs?


Our Fore Fathers specifically wrote in a separation of church and state clause; while also purposely not mentioning any specific religion. The world is to diverse to try to govern based solely on any specific religion. We need to treat everyone with respect and govern off of what is right.

Will you fight to address and correct the systemic racism and discrimination that affects communities of color in Colorado?


As a white male, I can only empathize with the struggles that communities of color have suffered through. Through my experiences, I’ve seen the affects of systemic racism and discrimination. I will always fight to address and correct these issues.

Will you ensure that LGBTQ+ Coloradans are treated with dignity and respect in all aspects of society?


I served during Don’t Ask: Don’t Tell. I saw how people were abused for their production, and thrown away for who they were. It was shameful then, and it’s still shameful now. I will always stand with LGBTQ+ Community and support legislation that protects them!

How will you protect and expand the civil rights and liberties of all Coloradans?

We protect and expand civil rights and liberties by continuing to work with community leaders and activists who know where the issues are at. That, coupled with, providing access to education, healthcare, and other social services we can continue to drive for the equality we all deserve.

Cost of living, housing costs, and homelessness were the top issues in a recent Colorado Polling Institute Poll. What would you propose to remedy and address these issues?

I believe investing in our infrastructure will help control all of these issues. Building a light rail that expands east to west and connects to the Front Range Rail System will lower the cost of living by greatly reducing the need for personal cars. It will allow for easier access to commerce areas. Which means our economy will continue to grow. We also need to build more multi-family living complexes throughout El Paso County. Increasing the supply of affordable housing will lower housing costs. Addressing access to healthcare and jobs training is how I would address the homelessness issue facing our area.

Do you support workers’ rights to organize, bargain collectively, and earn a living wage?


Organized labor is what built this nation. Strong unions are what keeps our working class safe and earning a living wage. Repealing the Taft Hartley Act is long overdue. Protecting the rights to organize and bargain collectively is how we can narrow the wealth gap. Getting rid of the right to work laws will help ensure the prevailing wages are honored, and keep corporations from outsourcing to the lowest bidder and undercutting local workers.

Will you work to reform the tax system to make it more progressive and fair?


Our tax system is created for the wealthy. We need to demand that corporations and the ultra wealthy pay their fair-share. Raising the top tax bracket from 37% to 45% is where I will start.

Will you fight to fully fund public schools?


Education is the best preventative tool we have in our toolbox. Schools need to be better funded, and that starts with teacher’s salaries!

Will you fight to ensure that every child has access to early childhood education, universal pre-K, and full-day kindergarten?


Our children are advancing quickly and they deserve to be challenged at an early age. Having proper curriculum for today’s technological age can springboard the next generation to greater heights. Early education being provided also allows parents to rejoin the work force. Creating a stronger economy.

Will you advocate for the expansion of public higher education opportunities and affordability?


We need to, at a minimum, provide an associates degree, industry certificates or skill trades training.

How will you support the implementation of high academic standards and assessments that measure critical thinking and problem-solving skills?

We need to listen to the experts, and not tie funding to test performance.

Will you combat the climate crisis and advocate for renewable energy?


Our energy needs can only be met (currently) with the big turbine generators. To meet this demand, we need to consider nuclear power.

Will you protect Colorado’s water quality and quantity, especially in the face of drought and population growth?


Protecting our water rights and the environments down-stream needs to handled with a conservationist viewpoint.

Will you fight to preserve and enhance Colorado’s public lands, wildlife, and biodiversity?


Colorado’s beauty must always be protected!

Will you promote environmental justice and ensure that all communities have a healthy and safe environment?


Our healthcare system as a whole needs to include keeping community environments safe and healthy for everyone.

What is your position on the current immigration policies and practices of the United States?

We need to increase humane security at the border. Using additional National Guard troops and drone surveillance to supplement Border Control Agents would be the policies that I support.

How will you ensure that the state of Colorado is ready and robust to face the threats of natural disasters, cyberattacks, terrorism, and foreign aggression?

Our area is high on the list of targets for most of these. I will rely on my training as a Cyberspace Superintendent in industries like Space and the Nuclear Enterprise to guide me ensuring we are never unprepared facing the unthinkable.

How will you ensure that Colorado is a state with social and economic safeguards to maintain a decent standard of living and adequate nutrition for our aging population?

Expanding access to Medicaid, and ensuring there is proper oversight, is how I will protect our Seniors.

El Paso County Democrats

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1120 N Circle Drive, Suite 10, Colorado Springs, CO 80909
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