Congressional District 5

John Edgar - Congressional District 5

Date of Affiliation: 3/22/2004

Raised in a middle-class family, my father was a teacher and entrepreneur, while my mother worked as an administrative assistant. After climbing the corporate ladder, I started a business in Colorado Springs at 25. A near-fatal accident in 2019 while walking with my son shifted my focus to family and community.

I’m running for Congress to challenge our broken government, plagued by extreme polarization. Dysfunction in Washington reflects societal division, with citizens bearing the cost.

My small business experience taught resilience amid adversity. I aim to bring practical solutions, drawing from my negotiation skills and commitment to collaboration. I believe in bridging the partisan divide to restore faith in our democratic institutions.

With a deep understanding of the struggles facing ordinary Americans and a determination to create positive change, I’m ready to represent our community in Congress. Together, we can build a government that works for all, fostering unity and prosperity for generations to come.


Candidate Responses

1: Strongly Disagree

2: Somewhat Disagree

3: Does Not Apply to the Position

4: Somewhat Agree

5: Strongly Agree

Have you read the Colorado Democratic Party Platform?

Yes, entirely.

Have you read the El Paso County Democratic Party Platform?

Yes, entirely.

Which three platform areas would be the primary focus of your tenure if elected?
  • Economic Policy, Job Creation and Social Justice
  • Education
  • Securing Democracy

Do you believe that healthcare is a human right?


Healthcare is not just a privilege for the fortunate few; it’s a basic human need that everyone deserves regardless of their socio-economic status or background. Access to quality healthcare ensures that individuals can live with dignity, maintain their well-being, and address medical concerns promptly. It’s not only a matter of compassion but also of social justice and equity. A society that provides universal healthcare not only fosters healthier communities but also demonstrates a commitment to the fundamental rights and dignity of every individual.

Will you support the expansion of Medicaid and the Colorado Health Care Option to cover more uninsured and underinsured Coloradans?


I strongly advocate for a single-payer or Medicare for All system. My family of three pays over $1400/mo for health insurance through the ACA exchange, yet when we had to take my son to the ER recently, he didn’t see a doctor, have blood work or x-rays done. Shockingly, we were sent home with an $1800 bill. Despite shelling out a significant sum each month, our high deductible leaves us vulnerable to such financial burdens. This stark reality highlights the dysfunction of our healthcare system, a symptom of our broken political system’s inability to address and resolve crucial issues. The exorbitant costs, coupled with inadequate coverage and disparities in access to care, underscore the urgent need for comprehensive reform. A single-payer or Medicare for All system is not just a policy preference but a moral imperative. It ensures that healthcare is a right, not a privilege reserved for the wealthy. By eliminating profit-driven motives and streamlining administrative costs, we can provide universal coverage, reduce financial strain on families, and prioritize the health and well-being of every individual.

Will you create/support policy to address the rising costs of prescription drugs and medical services?


I will be dedicated to tackling the pressing issue of skyrocketing healthcare costs and exorbitant prescription drug prices. Families like mine are burdened by the ever-increasing expenses, making it difficult to afford necessary medical care and medications. I pledge to work tirelessly to address these challenges by advocating for comprehensive measures that rein in costs and ensure affordability for all Americans. This includes supporting legislation to negotiate lower drug prices, promoting transparency in pricing, and implementing policies that expand access to affordable healthcare services.

Do you support access to comprehensive health care that includes reproductive freedom for people with uteruses?


I will stand firmly in support of reproductive freedom for all Americans. I believe that every individual should have the autonomy to make their own healthcare decisions, free from government overreach or interference. This includes access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare services, including contraception, abortion, and prenatal care. I am committed to defending and expanding access to these essential services, ensuring that all individuals have the ability to make choices about their bodies and their futures. It is crucial that we uphold the fundamental rights of all individuals to control their own reproductive desires and ensure that abortion is safe, legal, and accessible for all women.

Will you ensure that people with disabilities have equal access to education, employment, health care, and social services in Colorado?


As a firm believer in equity and inclusion, I advocate passionately for ensuring that children with disabilities receive an education that fully embraces the central tenets of FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education). Additionally, they should have access to quality healthcare and opportunities for gainful employment that celebrate their education, experiences, skillsets and determination to thrive. It’s imperative that we prioritize policies and initiatives that foster an inclusive educational environment where all students can thrive, regardless of ability. By providing comprehensive support systems, including individualized education plans, accessible healthcare services, and vocational training programs, we can empower children with disabilities to reach their full potential and contribute meaningfully to society. Let’s work together to create a future where every child, regardless of ability, has the opportunity to succeed and lead fulfilling lives.

Do you support the separation of church and state and the protection of religious freedom for all faiths and beliefs?


I staunchly believe in the separation of church and state. The First Amendment guarantees not only freedom of religion but also freedom from religion. The government must neither prevent nor promote any religion, and there should be no government-preferred religion. Let’s uphold true religious freedom by ensuring that individuals can practice their beliefs without government interference or coercion.

Will you fight to address and correct the systemic racism and discrimination that affects communities of color in Colorado?


Together, we must dismantle the structures that perpetuate inequality and injustice. I will work tirelessly to implement policies that promote equality, justice, and opportunity for all individuals, regardless of race, ethnicity, or background. Let’s stand united in the fight against racism and discrimination, ensuring that every person is treated with dignity, respect, and fairness.

Will you ensure that LGBTQ+ Coloradans are treated with dignity and respect in all aspects of society?


LGBTQ+ rights are human rights, plain and simple. No government authority has the right to dictate who anyone can or should love. It is the government’s duty to protect all of our rights which include our right to pursue our own liberty and happiness, free from discrimination or persecution. I am steadfast in my belief that every individual deserves to live authentically and without fear of bigotry or discrimination. As your representative, I will forcefully advocate for the rights of the LGBTQ+ community and fight to end anti-LGBTQ+ bigotry wherever it exists. Together, let’s build a society where everyone is treated with dignity, respect, and equality under the law.

How will you protect and expand the civil rights and liberties of all Coloradans?

I’ll tirelessly fight for equal rights and justice. Together, we’ll dismantle barriers, combat discrimination, and uphold democracy and human rights.

Cost of living, housing costs, and homelessness were the top issues in a recent Colorado Polling Institute Poll. What would you propose to remedy and address these issues?

I propose a “first-time homebuyers savings account” system, similar to HSAs, letting individuals save for a down payment, fostering financial stability and homeownership for brighter futures.

Do you support workers’ rights to organize, bargain collectively, and earn a living wage?


Every worker deserves the right to organize and bargain collectively for better pay and working conditions. We should desire an economy that allows all full-time employees to thrive with dignity on one job (not 2 or 3 or more), enabling them to be active participants in their communities and present for their families. As your representative, I will champion the rights of workers to negotiate fair wages, benefits, and workplace standards, empowering individuals to lead fulfilling lives both in and outside of their jobs. Together, we can build a more just and equitable society where every worker has the opportunity to succeed and thrive.

Will you work to reform the tax system to make it more progressive and fair?


I firmly believe in a tax system that celebrates success while also recognizing the responsibility of those who have benefited most from society to contribute the most. It is both just and virtuous for those with greater wealth to give back proportionally to support the common good. Furthermore, I vehemently oppose taxing manual labor at a higher rate than income from investments, such as capital gains. Such a discrepancy is not only unjust but also immoral. We must oppose calls to reduce or eliminate taxes on long-term capital gains. Let’s work towards a tax framework that promotes economic growth and opportunity for all while ensuring that everyone pays their fair share.

Will you fight to fully fund public schools?


There is no greater investment we can make than an investment in a child. Adequately preparing a child to graduate high school to then take on higher ed or enter the global workforce should be our top priority.

Will you fight to ensure that every child has access to early childhood education, universal pre-K, and full-day kindergarten?


As the father of a first-grader and a dedicated volunteer at a public elementary school, I witness firsthand the significant disparities in reading ability, mathematical skills, and behavior among students. These discrepancies often correlate with access to pre-kindergarten education. Offering universal pre-K to all children is crucial in eliminating inequities. By providing early childhood education to every child, we can narrow the education gap and, consequently, reduce the economic disparities across racial and socioeconomic lines. Investing in pre-K education is not just an investment in our children’s future—it’s an investment in creating a more equitable and prosperous society for all.

Will you advocate for the expansion of public higher education opportunities and affordability?


I am deeply committed to expanding access to higher education by making community colleges more accessible and reigning in the skyrocketing costs of college and university tuition. Personally, I took proactive steps to address affordability by establishing endowments and scholarships when I was just 30 years old, which I have remained steadfast in growing ever since. By investing in the future of our students and easing the financial burden of obtaining a college degree, we can ensure that all individuals have the opportunity to pursue their dreams and achieve success in their chosen fields.

How will you support the implementation of high academic standards and assessments that measure critical thinking and problem-solving skills?

Encouraging critical thinking and improving academic standards are crucial. I’ll prioritize promoting critical thinking skills in education and advocating for assessments that measure creativity and problem-solving. This empowers citizens to demand democratic leadership and create a responsive political system.

Will you combat the climate crisis and advocate for renewable energy?


I am fully committed to combatting the climate crisis and accelerating the transition to renewable energy sources. With a track record spanning decades, I have actively supported businesses dedicated to transforming our electric generation from dirty coal to cleaner natural gas and renewables. In fact, I may be the only candidate in this race who can provide evidence of installing solar panels on a rooftop. As your representative, I will continue to advocate for policies that promote renewable energy adoption, invest in clean technology, and prioritize sustainability. By embracing renewable energy solutions, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, mitigate the impacts of climate change, and create a healthier, more sustainable future for generations to come.

Will you protect Colorado’s water quality and quantity, especially in the face of drought and population growth?


As your representative, I will be committed to safeguarding our precious water resources through comprehensive measures that promote conservation, sustainable management, and responsible stewardship. This includes supporting policies that prioritize water efficiency, invest in infrastructure upgrades, and promote collaborative efforts among stakeholders to address competing water needs. Additionally, I will work to ensure that Colorado maintains strong regulations to prevent pollution and contamination of our water sources, preserving their integrity for future generations.

Will you fight to preserve and enhance Colorado’s public lands, wildlife, and biodiversity?


I am deeply committed to preserving our public lands, wildlife, and biodiversity, recognizing them as one of democracy’s greatest gifts to its populace. These lands are not just natural treasures; they are essential components of our collective heritage, providing opportunities for recreation, exploration, and solace that are accessible to all, regardless of one’s status within society. As your representative, I will vigorously advocate for policies that protect and conserve our public lands, ensuring they remain intact and accessible for current and future generations to enjoy. This includes supporting measures to safeguard critical habitats, promote sustainable land management practices, and expand protected areas to conserve biodiversity.

Will you promote environmental justice and ensure that all communities have a healthy and safe environment?


We should strengthen environmental protections, investing in conservation efforts, promoting sustainable development practices, engaging with stakeholders, and supporting research and innovation. By enforcing existing laws, allocating resources towards conservation initiatives, encouraging sustainable practices, fostering collaboration, and investing in scientific research, we can work towards protecting and restoring habitats, safeguarding ecosystems, and creating a safer and more sustainable environment for all.

What is your position on the current immigration policies and practices of the United States?

We need immigration reform that balances humanity and accountability. I advocate for banning the bussing of migrants without informing communities, a morally reprehensible act. We must establish a fair system that knows who is here. Upholding our values of compassion and justice is essential in addressing immigration complexities.

How will you ensure that the state of Colorado is ready and robust to face the threats of natural disasters, cyberattacks, terrorism, and foreign aggression?

I’ll advocate for funding disaster preparedness, resilient infrastructure, and collaboration between agencies. I’ll support initiatives to mitigate climate change impacts, enhance wildfire prevention, and protect water resources. Additionally, I’ll prioritize readiness for potential terrorist threats by supporting law enforcement and enhancing agency coordination.

How will you ensure that Colorado is a state with social and economic safeguards to maintain a decent standard of living and adequate nutrition for our aging population?

I’ll ensure seniors have a quality living standard and nutrition access. I’ll support Social Security and Medicare programs, strengthen safety nets like Medicaid and SNAP, and advocate for affordable senior housing and age-friendly communities. Prioritizing their well-being ensures all Colorado residents can age securely and with dignity.

El Paso County Democrats

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