Congressional District 5

Joseph Reagan

Date of Affiliation: 2/8/2022

After 9/11, Joe joined the U.S. Army and served two combat tours in Afghanistan. During his first tour, Joe was awarded a Purple Heart after being injured by a suicide bomber that likely would have killed him had an Afghan guard not shielded Joe from the shrapnel. Joe then transitioned to intelligence where he developed his understanding of threats facing our nation. After leaving active duty, Joe earned an MBA, worked in industries ranging from health care to technology, and ran non-profits that have advanced policies supporting veterans and working families. Joe’s main priorities include: Protecting women’s right to choose by codifying Roe v. Wade into federal law and fighting MAGA extremists who want to ban abortion; Keeping our community safe by fighting for common sense gun safety measures like universal background checks; Protecting our democracy by standing up to MAGA extremists who want to undermine our right to vote and overturn election results; Lowering the cost of living for working families by cracking down on companies and CEOs who price gouge consumers; Standing up for our veterans by ensuring our VA hospitals and clinics receive adequate funding and to assist returning service members in their transition home.

Candidate Responses

1: Strongly Disagree

2: Somewhat Disagree

3: Does Not Apply to the Position

4: Somewhat Agree

5: Strongly Agree

Have you read the Colorado Democratic Party Platform?

Yes, entirely.

Have you read the El Paso County Democratic Party Platform?

Yes, entirely.

Which three platform areas would be the primary focus of your tenure if elected?
  • Economic Policy, Job Creation and Social Justice
  • Heathcare
  • State, Defense, and Homeland Security

Do you believe that healthcare is a human right?


Having worked in the healthcare industry, I understand the need to create a healthcare financing system that is transparent and accountable to the public, promoting fair and efficient funding that leads to better health outcomes at a lesser cost to ensure long-term sustainability. I believe that healthcare decisions should be made between doctors and patients; payers and providers must be more transparent about medical costs and the amount spent on actual healthcare versus administrative services. Ultimately, the country benefits when more people have better access to care.

Will you support the expansion of Medicaid and the Colorado Health Care Option to cover more uninsured and underinsured Coloradans?


Will you create/support policy to address the rising costs of prescription drugs and medical services?


I think any health policy must be evidence-based and informed by the best available health system data—including comprehensive claims history—to reduce healthcare costs, improve population health, and increase healthcare quality and satisfaction. I’ve worked on evidence-based programs that have resulted in better health outcomes for a lesser cost and would advocate to see similar programs implemented at the federal level.

Do you support access to comprehensive health care that includes reproductive freedom for people with uteruses?


Reproductive health care, including abortion, should be safe, legal, and accessible in all situations.

Will you ensure that people with disabilities have equal access to education, employment, health care, and social services in Colorado?


Growing up, my mother had Multiple Sclerosis. It was a challenge to watch my mother’s health decline, and it was a challenge to see how people treated her because of her disability. She was such a smart woman, and taught me so much about service. Her lasting effect on me is to understand that everyone should be valued, respected, and accepted for who they are. Mom taught me to never underestimate someone and that all of us have the potential to create value when we invest in them. I put this belief to practice as a non-profit leader, and I’ll put this message into practice in Congress as well.

Do you support the separation of church and state and the protection of religious freedom for all faiths and beliefs?


The first amendment is quite clear, each of us has the right to practice religion in the way we choose.

Will you fight to address and correct the systemic racism and discrimination that affects communities of color in Colorado?


I am committed to upholding racial equity and combating racism in all forms through legislative initiatives that address the broad spectrum of issues that disproportionately and negatively impact communities of color. I believe strongly that the rising tide raises all boats, and when communities of color succeed – we all succeed. One issue that I have heard from several of our neighbors is a lack of access to capital for entrepreneurs of color. I believe that true commitment to diversity creates an economic benefit and I will advocate to ensure communities of color have unbiased access to the educational, financial, and legal resources needed to thrive.

Will you ensure that LGBTQ+ Coloradans are treated with dignity and respect in all aspects of society?


Like many other Coloradans, I firmly believe that our LGBTQ+ community deserves to live without fear. After the Club Q shooting, I was proud to see our community respond with such compassion, and I was especially proud that a fellow Army Veteran was there that night to stop the shooter. As a Veteran, and someone who has dedicated my professional life to helping others, I am proud to stand firm against discrimination and hate in every form, and to help connect our community with the resources and support they need to thrive.

How will you protect and expand the civil rights and liberties of all Coloradans?

I will be a strong advocate for rational laws that protect people’s rights and liberties. When elected I’ll work to engage and inform Coloradans through public forums on current issues being discussed in Washington. I’ve worked on alternative justice pathways for protected individuals and believe this to be part of common sense judicial reforms. I believe Congress should enshrine in law the protections granted under Roe V Wade and stolen through the wrongful findings of the Dobbs decision.

Cost of living, housing costs, and homelessness were the top issues in a recent Colorado Polling Institute Poll. What would you propose to remedy and address these issues?

As a non-profit leader, I was responsible for overseeing the Homeless Veterans Reintegration program in Maine, and helped promote legislation that aimed to support individuals struggling with or at risk of homelessness. On the national level, I’ve worked with multiple organizations to create programs aimed at achieving net-zero homelessness. On day one, I would bring a proven and practical model for addressing homelessness to Congress.
Locally, insurance premiums have risen dramatically due to natural disasters negatively impacting our overall cost of living. Investing in underlying causes such as wildfire mitigation along with focused policies on affordable housing will be critical to ensuring that a living wage means a living wage.
Outside of housing, medical debt and healthcare costs are a tremendous drain on cost of living. I’ve worked on initiatives geared towards achieving better health outcomes for a lesser cost. I want to see these sorts of programs replicated so as to achieve the full benefits promised by the affordable care act.

Do you support workers’ rights to organize, bargain collectively, and earn a living wage?


I think Unions are and must remain an important pillar of our economy. Our system of capitalism is imperfect but has led to innovations and wealth generation that has created the strongest economies in the world. The spirit and creativity of the American worker has the potential to advance the standard of living for all Americans. By investing in family-friendly policies, by investing in education, and by investing in our workforce through life-long learning programs we are investing in our economy as a whole.

Will you work to reform the tax system to make it more progressive and fair?


Will you fight to fully fund public schools?


I’m a parent – a strong education system is an economic enabler.

Will you fight to ensure that every child has access to early childhood education, universal pre-K, and full-day kindergarten?


When I think of universal pre-k I think of my sister. A teacher by trade, when my nephew was born, my sister was forced to give up her career because her salary as a teacher was less than the cost of childcare. The economy is now missing a smart, talented, ambitious professional – and that’s a story that is repeated multiple times a day. We can fix that, and by doing so we’re growing our economy.

Will you advocate for the expansion of public higher education opportunities and affordability?


I don’t believe that higher education should result in crippling debt. I think there are several novel solutions for reforming the affordability of higher education including: limiting interest rates, utilizing income sharing agreements as an alternative to debt, and holding degree-factory schools accountable for overpromising and underdelivering .

How will you support the implementation of high academic standards and assessments that measure critical thinking and problem-solving skills?

As a board member for my universities alumni association I’ve had the opportunity to work with a number of professionals in higher education. One challenge facing our education system is to maintain a curriculum that keeps pace with the rapidly changing needs of our economy. I believe that we need to invest in opportunities for people to upskill throughout their career. Community Colleges and non-degree programs will be critical for individuals to remain competitive in the job market and/or pursue entrepreneurial endeavors.

As a parent I have also seen the importance of integrating critical thinking into elementary education. More than ever we need citizens who are able to navigate the web of misinformation that surrounds all of us. I believe that parents and professional educators are best positioned to make decisions about specific curriculum choices and that the federal government can and should provide tools and grants to enable local schools.

Will you combat the climate crisis and advocate for renewable energy?


Will you protect Colorado’s water quality and quantity, especially in the face of drought and population growth?


Will you fight to preserve and enhance Colorado’s public lands, wildlife, and biodiversity?


Will you promote environmental justice and ensure that all communities have a healthy and safe environment?


What is your position on the current immigration policies and practices of the United States?

We are a nation of immigrants and I have always valued the contributions of immigrants and refugees to the vibrancy of our community. I value the contributions that those from other lands bring to our national economic, intellectual, and cultural life. I value diversity and must believe we need to provide a pathway for aspiring Americans to earn citizenship. Most importantly I align with the majority of Americans who agree that our immigration system needs comprehensive reform. I think the provisions of H.R. 815 represents a reasonable compromise that balanced the need for securing our borders with the ethical and compassionate considerations consistent with our collective values. Having lived in a border community I certainly understand the more nuanced aspects of our southern border and as someone who has helped former interpreters navigate the Special Immigrant Visa Program I also understand the unnecessary barriers that we place in the way of those seeking a better life in the United States. In congress I’ll work to pass compassionate immigration reform bills that address the complex challenges facing border communities as well as the needs of those seeking to become citizens of our great nation.

How will you ensure that the state of Colorado is ready and robust to face the threats of natural disasters, cyberattacks, terrorism, and foreign aggression?

There is no greater advocate for peace than those who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war. As a Veteran and former member of the Intelligence community I will bring to Congress a deep understanding of our capabilities, and the capabilities of those who seek to cause us harm. I’ve worked with leaders across government, business, and academia to identify and mitigate state and non-state aggression (in both the physical and cyber realm) and will apply that experience in Congress. I believe that Homeland / National Security is and should be a bi-partisan issue and will work with colleagues on both sides to implement common sense solutions to protect our homeland.
Regarding natural disasters, I believe that proper planning is the key to mitigating risk. Wildfire mitigation, ensuring every community has an evacuation plan and that those plans are communicated to everyone is key to reducing the threats presented by natural disasters. That planning extends to post-disaster recovery ensuring the FEMA and local emergency response agencies have the tools and funding needed to get our communities back to thriving as soon as possible. As a founding board member of a non-profit dedicated to increasing collaboration among emergency response agencies I understand the challenges of those with boots on the ground as well as those managing from afar and will work to keep the focus on planning and rapid recovery.

How will you ensure that Colorado is a state with social and economic safeguards to maintain a decent standard of living and adequate nutrition for our aging population?

I’ve worked on a number of programs dedicated to addressing social determinants of health as a way to ensure at-risk individuals, including seniors, are able to thrive regardless of their economic situation. Supporting Medicare and social security are a must, but we must also look for ways to ensure better health outcomes at a lesser cost. As the spouse of a certified nutrition coach I have personally seen the importance of nutrition as it relates to long-term health outcomes. Investing in programs, like SNAP, and providing grants to local organizations with a mission of addressing food insecurity are smart strategies that lead to better health outcomes for all.

El Paso County Democrats

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